Human and nature has a long history associated with it, since humans first appeared on Earth. human is a one of the composition of nature, humans are live in nature humans use nature to a factor in life, a nature is a part of human life.
Human and nature are part of each other. Human nature cannot be separated from each other. Whenever there is reasonable requires a separate, When they surely know that both humans and nature are geared towards change to destruction on both.
It is clear whether the four factors of life, which is an object, surely derived from the metamorphism or destroying a part of nature. In the past, people in the age grades lives under the influence of nature.
Natural changes occur slowly. Everything in nature is balanced on its own; the effects of the changes are not visible. But when there are increasing populations of humans a technological progress has more, nature is changing dramatically and rapidly to meet the needs of human beings, and today the world is stepping into the era of competitive economic development.
As a result, there is a serious nature destructive to natural balanced and cause suffering to people who live in that environment.
Today, we have a question that needs to be pondering, humans will eventually arrive to destroy nature, and they lived primitive mammals since life.
Humans is a wonderful creatures, human capability than any other creatures, humans can alter from one environment to the new environment. Human behavior is critical to the environment, both direct and indirect, as well as the positive and environmental deterioration.
At the same time, the environment is determining the behavior of human beings; human behavior is determined by the environment.
Said that the humans and the environment are closely related. When something changes something surely affect other things both direct and indirect.
Any action that affects the environment. That surely has the response of humans.
As a result, we should learn and understand the relationship between human beings and environment.
In order to meet the environmental uses as beneficial to themselves and society, so that we can adapt to the environment, and so we destroy the environment intentionally and accidentally.