Hello Looknum!
This is an automated message, please do not reply to it.
A postcrosser has received a postcard from you and requested help from us to identify the Postcard ID to register it. The correct Postcard ID was found by Postcrossing and sent to the member - no action is necessary from you at this point.
This email is only a friendly reminder that the Postcard ID must always be clearly and correctly written on every postcard that you send. Otherwise, your postcards may not be registered. You can find some tips on writing the Postcard ID here.
Listed are the most common reasons why the member may have had trouble registering the postcard you sent:
the Postcard ID was not written on the postcard;
the Postcard ID was misspelled or wrong;
the Postcard ID was hard to read or could have been covered by postal markings;
the postcard was damaged during its journey.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Postcrossing.
Postally yours,