The Guiding Principles of Integrated Reporting
Because its intention is to offer an appropriate balance between flexibility and prescription. the IR Framework is principles based rather than being founded on a more rigid. rules-based approach. The idea is to recognize the wide variation in individual circumstances of different organizations vet, at the same time, to enable a sufficient degree of comparability across organizations to meet relevant information needs. For this reason, the IR Framework doesn't focus on rules for measurement. disclosure of individual matters. or even the identification of specific key performance indicator,: Rather, the Framework: is driven hr integrated thinking, which as illustrated in the CD. should lead to integrated decision making and execution toward the creation of value. The purpose of this approach is to stimulate the active consideration by organizations of the relationships between their various operating and functional units and the kinds of capital that they use and have an effect on Through the integrated thinking promoted by the IR Framework. organizations are stimulated to focus on the. connectivity and interdependencies among range of factor that have material effect on their ability to create value