This is the instruction for preparation of manuscripts for the TJ-SSF2015 Proceedings. Standard English or American spelling. Can be used but consistency should be maintained within a paper. The use of common or standard abbreviations is encouraged.
Contributed. Papers are limited to 4 pages including all figures graphs and, tables.The manuscript should appear in A4-size photocopy exactly the same as it is printed.
Contributed papers should generally. Be organized with the following items. Title (should, be clear descriptive and not too long), Authors names (without their. ' Academic positions) together with their affiliations and e-mail addresses (In the case of more than, one authorPlease indicate to whom the presenter / correspondence should be addressed), Abstract Keywords (normally, 3-5 keywords not. Used in the title may be listed beneath the abstract to assist searching techniques), Introduction Materials and Methods,,, Results and Discussion (Tables and / or Figures), Conclusions Acknowledgments (if, preferred), and References.
.A highlight picture from your project should be placed at the top left corner. Please see the Figures guidelines for the. Requirements.
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