After receiving IRB approval, subjects were recruited from
a local high school in Vermont. Permission from school
officials was obtained and contact was made with the
guidance office and school teachers. Surveys were distributed
to all 9th and 10th grade students at the school (n =
221). The survey included sections for students (five
pages) and parents (two pages) to complete independently,
as well as a consent form which needed to be signed
by both the student and parent for participation in the
study. All survey data was anonymous. Surveys were collected
(n = 162) through the school Guidance Office.
Eighteen surveys were omitted due to incomplete
responses. The final subject pool comprised 144; 72 each
from parents and students. Original power calculations
were based on a reported 10% prevalence of psychiatric
disorders in the adolescent population and called for a
total of 200 students for a power of 0.80. However, statistically
significant results were reached after analysis of 144
completed questionnaires and led us to conclude that the
study could be terminated at that point.
instrument to aid in the diagnosis of children with
ADHD. The CRS comprises both a parent and teacher
questionnaire, and includes a number of components
including oppositional behavior, hyperactivity, inattention,
and ADHD.