Other people do not know that you have not known, after all after he grows, you once personally had seen, Chu Xuanyuan strength.” The cotton garment old monk said.
„That how, that Chu Xuanyuan had not been killed by own clansman, how the talent, cannot grow truly is the joke.”
„I said that talents of these dies young, has also included him.” True Immortal Jin He said that in the words has the thick spunk unexpectedly.
„I said Jin He, you cannot, because Chu Xuanyuan has defeated your teacher, you like this hate in him, after all that showdown is also your Dao Imperial Palace selects.” The cotton garment old monk said with a smile.
Suddenly, True Immortal Jin He turned the head, looks to the cotton garment old monk, the vision exceptionally swift and fierce, common person saw that decides is scared to death while still alive.
That is not one type vision that is containing killing intent , may contain the absolute deterrent force, making the human be from the heart scared with dreading.
But facing this vision, cotton garment old monk actually throughout wear a look of happy expression, calm.
„You think so me to make anything, person who your Dao Imperial Palace could not have lost.”
„However your this solemn Dao Imperial Palace current palace host, mentioned past the match at this moment, was so, is it possible that initially to have the secret facts?” The cotton garment old monk asked.
Hears this words, the True Immortal Jin He vision to restrain, but he has not replied the cotton garment old monk.
„Said, actually this is also my curious matter, on the same day Chu Xuanyuan with your teacher that war, only then you present.”
„ Afterward Chu Xuanyuan to the outside had not announced result, is similar to anything has not occurred generally.
„Your teacher on own initiative outward announced that said was he has lost to Chu Xuanyuan.”
„And after that is then crushed with grief, until dying.”
„This fishy, your Dao Imperial Palace, is always is willing the gambling to concede very much after all, unusual atmosphere.”
„I want to know that what exactly had, is it possible that was Chu Xuanyuan has used what dirty trick? Let your teacher lose is very unwilling, therefore has a mind to tie, therefore while still alive depressed lethal.” The cotton garment old monk closely examines again and again.
„Sufficed.” True Immortal Jin He gives a loud shout, but this sound, only then the cotton garment old monk can hear.
However True Immortal Jin He has not actually continued to get angry, but was quick suppressed own spunk, said: „Dao Imperial Palace, indeed wish the gambling to concede, can defeat my Dao Imperial Palace person, we do not retaliate, we always respect the match, admires the match.”
„But who my teacher is, since he has been Dao Imperial Palace all previous dynasties, strongest one generation of palace hosts, the lifetime success is magnificent, initially in big thousand Upper Realm , the unusual person dares to disrespect to him.”
„But, he has actually lost to a junior, an under 30-year-old junior, how can he be resigned?” True Immortal Jin He said.
„Then, your teacher has defeated, being sincerely convinced that because just defeats, will therefore be crushed with grief?” The cotton garment old monk asked.
„Oh” True Immortal Jin He deep sighing, looks up to afterward void, slowly has actually closed the eye, this continues saying: „Is only one move, is only one move.”
„That Chu Xuanyuan is only one move, then has defeated my teacher, my teacher in his front, the opportunity of continually hitting back does not have, how will he refuse to accept?”
„May be the clothing, that also defeat was too miserable, does not believe to the bystanders miserably.”
„, My teacher he, hard to imagine accepts naturally.”
„If before that fights, my teacher is arrogant, then after that fights, his all spirit were ground.”
„That war, has destroyed him thoroughly.”
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