Rule # 1: the law of leadership
"Before the first one,"
Better than "came later, but better,
Rule # 2: the law of genre
"If they dominate the top one does not.
A new category has been split based on the unchallenged. "
Rule # 2: the law of genre
"If they dominate the top one does not.
The ledger, one of the top bracket.
Sort by mounting a new one to get.
Rule # 3: law thoughts
"As the number one consumer in mind.
Better is the first in the market, "he said.
Rule # 4: bet accepted.
"The market is not competitive as anybody's products better.
But as the race.
A product of who accepted more than "
Rule # 5: the target group-specific selection rules.
"The most powerful concept in marketing is.
Ownership saying foot-and-mouth infected consumers.