Many public-service librarians believe that they have a good idea of what kinds of spaces, technologies, and services their students need in an Informaton Commons, but one of the most important things a library can do as part of its student population. It is important to collect information on sessment of its student population. It is important to collect information on the actual needs of students and not just on needs perceived by librarians, who are frequently from a different generation. These are many available needs-assessment models, and some institutions that have notable efforts include the University of Rochester, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Ohio University (focusing on graduate students). The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has released a compendium of needs assessment techniques aimed at assisting college and university librarian to better understand their user communities (Stuart, 2008). Staff at the University of Rochester are well-known for the anthropological approaches to studying students they employed as they prepared for a library renovation. They studied students in a holistic manner, focusing broadly on how they did academic work and not just on how they used the library. THey noted “a new philosophy of ‘don’t guess, just ask’ has helped us place our students in the center of our academic library is aligned with the needs of our Net Generation students” (Gibbons, 2007, p. 98). Librarians are often surprised by some of the attitudes and priorities of students, such as their tolerance of noise in designated areas. (Designing, 2006)