The Methodology describes the specific things you have done to acquire and analyse your data. This is the critical section where you need to show evidence of your ability to distil theory into a research question and also justify your choice of methods and mention the possible errors/biases and how these were addressed. In this section do not over-elaborate on the Methods that you have employed. The focus should be on the objectives - the Methods are a means to an end. Note how, in the sample abstract, the objectives still remain the main focus in this sentence: "Using quadrats and pit-fall traps, we surveyed the number of skink species in the three altitudinal ranges of the park (low: 750m-1500m; mid:1501m-2250; high: 2251m-3000m), over a two-month period (June-July) at the peak of the rainy season.". If you have multiple objectives, the methods used for each should be clearly mentioned. .