The statistical thinking promulgated by these statisticians is encapsulated as an
independent intellectual method. Its domain is the empirical enquiry cycle, but the
world. Statistical thinking goes beyond the domain of mathematics, which
statisticians use simply as a means to help them achieve their own ends. The nature
of statistical thinking is explained by these statisticians as noticing, understanding,
using, quantifying, explaining, and evaluating variation; thinking about the data
“literature”; capturing relevant data and measurements; summarizing and
representing the data; and taking account of uncertainty and data variability in
decision making.
The statistical thinking promulgated by these statisticians is encapsulated as anindependent intellectual method. Its domain is the empirical enquiry cycle, but thedomainshouldalsobeextendedtoawayofthinkingaboutandperceivingtheworld. Statistical thinking goes beyond the domain of mathematics, whichstatisticians use simply as a means to help them achieve their own ends. The natureof statistical thinking is explained by these statisticians as noticing, understanding,using, quantifying, explaining, and evaluating variation; thinking about the data“literature”; capturing relevant data and measurements; summarizing andrepresenting the data; and taking account of uncertainty and data variability indecision making.
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