Man is a social being. One’s life cannot me imagined without people around him or her. We all need people in our everyday life to talk with, share our joys, sorrows, views etc. Besides, the people of our family, we go out and interact with people every day. And some people, we like are called as our friends. Friends make life beautiful and worth living. They add a certain kind of spark of life. You can talk to your friends about each and everything; share your deepest secrets and even your stupid little everyday stories.
We make friends throughout life, in play school, school, college, office, just everywhere. As we grow through different phases in life, we meet new people and make new friends and do not necessarily give up on old friends. It all depends on how strong the bond of your friendship is. Friends are always there to guide and support you through the ups and downs of your life. They are the people who are always there to lend a helping hand to you.
I personally feel that friends are the biggest strength of a person. There is a special bonding we have with each of our friends. Sometimes, I find no difference between my friends and family. Yes, my friends are my family, not by blood relation, but by heart.
Friends come and go and in life, but what is important is that how long friendship lasts. Sometimes, it may be a few months, a few years or sometimes forever. Everybody wants friends to be in their life forever. Let us find out the “best qualities” the person you call your “best friend” should have!