Radio Program Project
น.ส.อรัญญา เลิศคอนสาร 583110270-2
น.ส. อัญญิกา ประสานศักดิ์ 583110275-2
น.ส.อุไรวรรณ หันตุลา 583110278-6
(Radio Program Project)
Food That Increase Your Diabetes Risk
1. Wan
Hello and welcome to Healthy Variety. I'm Wan…
2. Aun
… And I'm Aun.
3. Cake
… And I'm Cake. Can you pass me my drink, Wan?
4. Wan
Cola, Cake? That's very unhealthy.
5. Cake
You told me to stop drinking coffee because it's unhealthy – now you're telling me cola is bad too.
6. Wan
Cola is full of sugar. There are about six teaspoons in each can.
7. Cake
Ok, I admit!
8. Wan
Well, we're talking about Food That Increase Your Diabetes Risk.
9. Cake
What is it Diabetes ?
10. Wan
You don't know what it is?
11. Cake
Yes ,I don’t know.
12. Wan
Diabetes is a condition where the body can't control the amount of glucose – or sugar – in the blood. If left untreated, diabetes can cause many complications, including heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and blindness.
13. Wan
Diabetes is a condition where the body can't control the amount of glucose – or sugar – in the blood. If left untreated, diabetes can cause many complications, including heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and blindness.
14. Cake
I'm not diabetic, though, Wan, so what's the problem?
15. Aun
Well, diabetes is on the rise – or increasing – all over the world. And particularly type 2 diabetes where risk factors include obesity – or being very overweight – unhealthy diet and lack of physical exercise.
16. Cake
What have The Food Increase Diabetes Risk?
17. Wan
1. Highly Processed Carbohydrates .To reduce your risk, limit your intake of foods made with processed carbohydrates, such as breads, muffins, cakes, crackers, and pasta, in favor of whole-grain options.
2. Sugar-Sweetened Drinks. According to a 2010 study in Diabetes Care, drinking one to two sugary drinks per day increased the risk of type 2 diabetes by 26 percent, compared with having less than one serving a month. One of the best ways to minimize the effect of sugar on your health is to limit your intake of sugar-sweetened beverages, including fruit drinks. To stay hydrated, drink more water. Also, avoid loading up your coffee or tea with sugar and cream.
3. Saturated and Trans Fats. Trans fats appear in packaged baked goods and fried foods in restaurants, while saturated fats can be found in fatty meats, butters, and full-fat milk and cheese. Trans fats appear in packaged baked goods and fried foods in restaurants, while saturated fats can be found in fatty meats, butters, and full-fat milk and cheese.
4. Red and Processed Meats. Red meat and processed red meat are both linked to type 2 diabetes. Processed meats like bacon, hot dogs, and deli meats are particularly bad because of their high levels of sodium and nitrites.
18. Cake
Knowledge is very good. I see. Well, while I think about that, maybe you could ask me today's quiz question.
19. Wan
OK. Can you tell me What is the Increase Diabetes Risk?
I thing it is coffee, Sugar-Sweetened Drinks, Saturated and Trans Fats
20. Wan
Well, Is correct.
Do you eat a lot of processed food, Cake?
21. Cake
Of course not, Wan! Processed food, by the way, is food that's been changed from its natural state, for example, by freezing or re-hydrating it, or by adding ingredients to it such as sugar, salt or fat. But let's move on now and talk about exercise.
22. Wan
OK – but I hope you aren't planning to have fried chicken again for lunch today from that dodgy fast-food joint round the corner. Now, one reason that people are taking less exercise than they used to is because of lifestyle changes. With increasing urbanisation people are no longer doing jobs that involve as much physical activity.
Yes, it's true. And urbanisation means the growth of towns and cities as people move there from the countryside to live and work. We're all sitting in cars, and offices, or on our sofas in front of the TV
So, adults and children are at higher risk of developing diabetes if they are overweight because they are likely to have higher levels of sugar in their blood.
23. Wan
So, We should have stop you from drinking sugary drinks, Cake,
24. Cake
OK, I'll be drinking herbal tea from now on.
25. Well, that's the end of today's Healthy Variety. Please join us again soon!
26. Both Bye