Fig. 4 e Typical motion of java apple fruit and the conical cloth tube of the sizing machine
with the feeding unit and the diverging belt sizing unit. The
feeding unit, 598 mm wide by 1430 mm long by 520 mm high,
was made of steel. Two 25.4 mm diameter cylindrical shafts
were mounted at the top of the frame to facilitate belt
adjustments. The feeding belt, Ammeraal type Belt Flexam EM
10/2 Green FG (Ammeraal Beltech, Heerhugowaard,
Netherlands), was 100mmwide by 2400mmlong and parallel
Pi Fraction of grade i fruit of the total mixture at the
beginning of sizing
Pgi Fraction of correct fruit in grade i receiver
t Feeding time, h
Wi Weighting function
wi Total weight of fruit in grade i receiver, kg
wt Total fruit weight fed into sizing system, kg