While volatility is quite important and truly tells us why Forex is the great market to trade, we should never disregard accessibility. Even though Forex is volatile and it is possible to catch lots of market moves, this market is more accessible than any other online trading market. Trading Forex online can be started with as little as 100 USD and compared many other markets, this is a rather low trading capital requirement. What is also great about Forex market accessibility is that you can easily sign up for you trading account without even going away from your PC. Most of the retail Forex brokers operate online and all you have to do in order to start with Forex is to register, submit your documents and perform a deposit on your Forex trading account. Even though accessibility does not really influence the quality of the market, it certainly gives a reason why forex is the most interesting market to look at. When it comes to inexperienced traders, Forex trading can be easily accessed via a free demo account, this way you can start paper Forex trading in a matter of minutes.