Hello, I want to give you a story about myself at Sultan Mahmud Airport at Kuala Terengganu. My family and I walked through the metal detector. My mother walked through the metal detector first with no problem. I walked through and the alarm beeped. The woman who worked as airport security said, ‘Come over here as you need to get your belt off’. I said, ‘Oh right, I am idiot’ so I took my belt off but when I walked through the metal detector and the alarm beeped again. She said, ‘Take anything out from your pockets’. So, I took my wallet out from my pocket. I walked through again but this time, no alarm beeped. I asked her why and she said nothing. I put my things back in my pockets. We flew to Kuala Lumpur. We had a good time at my uncle’s wedding. I talked to my uncle about what happened in the airport. I walked through the metal detector and the alarm beeped, just only my wallet. My auntie said, probably you have something inside of your wallet that had metal in it. I said, ‘Far out’, I had my driver license and nothing metal on the credit card. When we went back to home, in Sultan Mahmud Airport, my mother walked through the metal detector.