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#592: King Ming comes
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A bang explodes under deathly stillness curtain of night, wants the turbulent air wave to radiate to go to the surroundings compared with the storm, the blazing Phoenix flame shoots up to the sky, spreads in the combustion, clear shone upon the faces of two people.
„Is you!!” By Hui Ran that a Yun Che sword bang flies, although immediately firmly stands in the place, but the both arms are fierce numb, the muscle on arm in uncontrolled trembling. Saw person who this presents suddenly unexpectedly is Yun Che, in his both eyes releases the extraordinary light suddenly, the vision dodges, sweeps fast to his behind.
„Hey, does not use anxiously, only then I.” Yun Che lifts to plunder Heavenly Sword, at a moderate pace [say / way]. His sword handle Hui Ran drove out a moment ago, oneself forcefully were also shaken by the Hui Ran strength, although seemed is he was in the upper hand, but Hui Ran kept off his Heavy Sword with a pair of arm!
Overlord boundary Eight Level Profound Strength, in addition formidable Profound Arts and astonishing physique his strength, seriously strong fearfulness.
The Yun Che words, making the Hui Ran Duke look congeal: „What do you come to here to make?” Sinks along with it tonality: „Courts death!”
„Courts death? Ha Ha Ha Ha!” Yun Che contemptuous laughing wildly: „Depends on your one by my three moves of the waste of defeating, matched before me says these two characters?”
Hui Ran is an extreme is arrogant, the person who has keen eyesight Yu Ding, but such person , is very naturally easy to be enraged. Sure enough, Yun Che superficial a few words, the imposing manner of Hui Ran whole body immediately surges was similar to has seethed with excitement generally, an eye was scarlet was similar to the malicious ghost from hell: „Yun Che! Looked that this king does not rip the rotten meat you personally!!”
After the grand ceremony ended, Duke Huai said personally he had said how again to want Yun Che dead, do not start to him rashly. But he appear here tonight suddenly does not permit the place that the bystander presents, but also spoke to insult him to him tonight in any event, must kill by mistreatment him until death!
Yun Che contemptuous in a flash points at: „, Your this so-called Duke Huai palace young prince also is really good-for-nothing. Your father and your grandfather want you to act as lookout to guard against the accident here, if you begin to me, hey, did not fear that here sound does pass to Demon Imperial City? When the time comes the Demon Imperial City person gathers here one to find out completely, you want to kill the plan of Little Demon Empress, must malinger.”
Originally was Hui Ran that anger eruption is going to begin listened to the Yun Che words, a pair of pupil shrank him to shock in Yun Che one suddenly shouted unexpectedly their Duke Huai palace goal, was more shocking, is „grandfather who” he said two characters!
His grandfather Duke Ming that is his Duke Huai palace this for more than 100 years, the biggest secret and card in a hand! Also never had been seen through secret!
Tonight, unexpectedly by this present Yun Che one shouting.
At this moment do not say him, even if Duke Huai hears these words, in understanding big quake.
Yun Che front words to enrage Hui Ran, when the following surface while he was enraged the probe, but the change of Hui Ran complexion and look, makes in the Yun Che heart shake because of the response of Hui Ran, is proving about „Duke Ming” fearful guess, became the reality!
Duke Ming gets rid, if Little Demon Empress will meet is ten will die not fresh!
Cannot wait again.
But his the front Hui Ran, is murderous Qi soars to the heavens: „Too many that you know must die!”
The Hui Ran surrounding rock blasts out loudly, the ground large surface area cracks, along with ignition of his scarlet black flame, a thick long jet black chains had been grasped by him in the hand, the two heads of chains, are two are covered with the hangnail the great great-circle hammer!
Meteor hammer or meteor double hammer!
The meteor hammer is a lethality enormous weapon, but must control is actually extremely difficult. But by the Hui Ran physique and great strength, this meteor hammer in his hand, ca
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Hello, I want you to know about me like, drink alcohol, don't go out at night, I go to a restaurant the day the evening go exercise. Then go home every day. I live in a small town, quiet, comfortable. I want you to know me more. But I can't speak to you. My sister doesn't believe you will love me? Just talk to thank you, still have us to get to know each other better, and be happy.
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