Generally, the clinical course of an episode of low back pain appears favourable, but back pain
among people in a primary-care setting typically has a recurrent course (characterised by variation
and change), rather than an acute, self-limiting course. [9] Most people with back pain have experienced a previous episode, and acute attacks often occur as exacerbations of chronic low back
pain. In general, recurrences will occur more frequently and be more severe if people have had
frequent or long-lasting low back pain complaints in the past. The course of sick leave caused by
low back pain can be favourable; however, the longer the period of sick leave, the less likely the
return to work becomes. Less than 50% of people with low back pain who have been off work for
6 months will return to work. After 2 years of work absenteeism, the chance of returning to work is
almost zero. [10]
Generally, the clinical course of an episode of low back pain appears favourable, but back painamong people in a primary-care setting typically has a recurrent course (characterised by variationand change), rather than an acute, self-limiting course. [9] Most people with back pain have experienced a previous episode, and acute attacks often occur as exacerbations of chronic low backpain. In general, recurrences will occur more frequently and be more severe if people have hadfrequent or long-lasting low back pain complaints in the past. The course of sick leave caused bylow back pain can be favourable; however, the longer the period of sick leave, the less likely thereturn to work becomes. Less than 50% of people with low back pain who have been off work for6 months will return to work. After 2 years of work absenteeism, the chance of returning to work isalmost zero. [10]
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