BUSINESS LOCATION, TERM, AND OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS5. Location and Durationa) The primary location of the business operations is to be [insert specific location address or description].b) The commencement of the venture is retroactively dated to [insert specific start date].c) The intended operational lifespan of the plantation under this Agreement is set for six (6) years.d) The lease agreement for the greenhouse premises and its accessories shall remain in effect for a period of six (6) years. Upon conclusion of the said term, the right to repurchase the Greenhouse & Accessories will vest with the Investor, at a rate equivalent to 50% of the initial investment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any items sustaining damage equating to or exceeding 70% of their value, attributable to natural calamities, shall be excluded from the repurchase scheme.e) Continuation of operations post the initial six (6) year term shall be conditional, subject to mutual agreement on the terms of continuation which shall be delineated in a subsequent agreement.f) The average duration requisite for the culmination of respective roles, tasks, and responsibilities vested in the engaged personnel shall be as agreed upon and annexed hereto.