Physical education plays a critical role in educating the whole student. Which
supports the importance of movement in educating both mind and body. Physical
education contributes directly to development of physical competence and fitness. It
also helps students to make informed choices and understand the value of leading a
physically active lifestyle. The benefits of physical education can affect both academic
learning and physical activity patterns of students. The healthy, physically active
student is more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful. In the
preschool and primary years, active play may be positively related to motor abilities and
cognitive development. As children grow older and enter adolescence, physical activity
may enhance the development of a positive self-concept as well as the ability to pursue
intellectual, social and emotional challenges. Throughout the school years, quality
physical education can promote social, cooperative and problem solving competencies.
Quality physical education programs in our nation’s schools are essential in developing
motor skills, physical fitness and understanding of concepts that foster lifelong healthy