Our story begins with a nerdy kid named Peter Parker, who gets picked on by everyone except for the girl-next-door Mary Jane Watson and his super rich friend Harry Osborn. Peter’s high school class is on a field trip to visit a genetics laboratory, where his life will change forever. The genetics lab itself was shot in Los Angeles, but the exterior was shot on the steps of Columbia University’s Low Memorial Library.
Named after University’s former president Seth Low’s father Abiel Abbot Low, it was the first building to be built when Columbia moved from Park Place to Morningside Heights. Originally the university’s library, Low now serves as administrative offices. It was also featured in the classic NYC film Ghostbusters, which was the focus on a previous Film Locations post.
Our story begins with a nerdy kid named Peter Parker, who gets picked on by everyone except for the girl-next-door Mary Jane Watson and his super rich friend Harry Osborn. Peter’s high school class is on a field trip to visit a genetics laboratory, where his life will change forever. The genetics lab itself was shot in Los Angeles, but the exterior was shot on the steps of Columbia University’s Low Memorial Library.Named after University’s former president Seth Low’s father Abiel Abbot Low, it was the first building to be built when Columbia moved from Park Place to Morningside Heights. Originally the university’s library, Low now serves as administrative offices. It was also featured in the classic NYC film Ghostbusters, which was the focus on a previous Film Locations post.
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