Nowadays, antibiotics are widely use because it can successfully remove infections from patient or human. But the improper use of antibiotics such as misuse and overuse that making more bacteria are becoming resistant to this type of drug. This problem is the most concern topic for medical profession in the present. So it is especially important to use antibiotics in the right way.
Antibiotics are extremely useful which can save millions of lives. However, in some developing countries for example India has found the dangerous problem which is antibiotics resistance. Antibiotic resistance happens when an antibiotic has lost its ability to control or kill bacterial growth. From the high population, India has low quality life. Water and food are contaminated with many bacteria. So, many people have been infected. Antibiotics can help patient from infection but in India, it can sale without prescription from pharmacist or doctor. And the more they use antibiotics, the greater the chance that bacteria will develop to resist the attack of antibiotics. So, India has the highest rates of resistance to nearly every drug available to treat it.
Antibiotics are the efficient drugs that are supposed to eat carefully. Therefore, the government should focus on this serious problem to control dealing of drug and give the information about antibiotics to people in country.