The disproportionation product, Cr3+, can facilitate the oxidation
of the structural alloy and thus accelerate the corrosion. The
presence of Cr2+ and Cr3+ for the corrosion of Cr in molten fluorides
has been confirmed [16]. In fact, this enhanced corrosion
phenomenon has also been observed for the molten sulfatesinduced
hot corrosion whose oxidation and reduction reactions
could involve multivalent transition metal ions (e.g. Fe2+/Fe3+,
Co2+/Co3+, Mo4+/Mo6+, etc.), with a countercurrent diffusion of
these ions carrying the current through the melt [17].
The disproportionation product, Cr3+, can facilitate the oxidationof the structural alloy and thus accelerate the corrosion. Thepresence of Cr2+ and Cr3+ for the corrosion of Cr in molten fluorideshas been confirmed [16]. In fact, this enhanced corrosionphenomenon has also been observed for the molten sulfatesinducedhot corrosion whose oxidation and reduction reactionscould involve multivalent transition metal ions (e.g. Fe2+/Fe3+,Co2+/Co3+, Mo4+/Mo6+, etc.), with a countercurrent diffusion ofthese ions carrying the current through the melt [17].
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