(FAQ) Frequently asked questions about PCOS
Will I ever be able to get pregnant and have children?
Many effective treatment options are available to help you get pregnant. Once you have a
diagnosis, your doctor will talk about treatments that best meet your needs. It is important to
know that if you are heavy, losing weight will help make all of these treatments work better.
If I have PCOS, is there a cure?
Today, there is no cure for PCOS, but there are ways to treat the symptoms. You can also make
changes in your life to reduce your symptoms. Losing weight and exercising are two important
ways you can help yourself.
Will I keep gaining weight?
No, with treatment, a proper diet and an exercise program, you will not continue to gain weight.
I have tried all types of diets, but cannot lose weight. What type of diet should I use?
We will talk about the best type of diet for you. Many different diets have similar weight loss
results. We will help you choose one that you feel you will be able to maintain in the long run.
Weight loss is a life style change that takes time. It is best to lose weight slowly to keep it off.
I am afraid I am going to go bald. Will I continue to lose my hair?
No, several medicines are available to stop you from losing more hair.
Are there complimentary or alternative medicines that I can use to help treat my
Some women try herbal medicines or treatments like acupuncture to help them have regular
periods. These treatments may not hurt, but there is no evidence that they will help with
problems of infertility. Infertility treatment is very stressful for women and their partners. Mindbody
programs are available that teach relaxation techniques to couples to help manage the
stress. It is important to let your doctor know if you are using any other treatments.