We analysed the acrylamide content in Polish food using GCQ-MS/MS method. The daily dietary acrylamide exposure was computed using a probabilistic approach for the total Polish population (1–96 years) and for the following age groups: 1–6, 7–18 and 19–96, using Monte Carlo simulation technique. To assess the Polish population exposure to acrylamide present in food, food consumption data was taken from the ‘Household Food Consumption and Anthropometric Survey in Poland’. The mean content of acrylamide in tested 225 samples of foodstuffs taken randomly all over Poland, ranged widely from 11 to 3647 lg/kg of product. For the total Polish population (1–96 years) the estimated acrylamide mean exposure is 0.43 lg/kg of body weight perday. The main sources of dietary acrylamide in Polish population were as follow: bread – supplied 45%
of total dietary acrylamide intake, French fries and potato crisps – 23%, roasted coffee – 19%.