Instead of a quiz we will have a written assignment.
You will write 4 pages single-spaced with one blank line between paragraphs.
The font will be courier 10.
The paper size is A4.
The margins are 1" on all 4 sides (2.54cm).
You will write an essay about chapter 1 that covers these issues:
1. Why do you need to know about systems architecture?
2. What is the unified process?
3. What career paths are available of each of the 6 disciplines in the unified process?
DO not plagiarize.
Do not quote from the book or the Internet
You need write your own prose.
Use a spell checker and grammer checker on you work.
You have one week to complete the assignment and will turn it on paper at the BEGINNING of class next Tuesday.
Print on two sides, so I get 2 sheets per student.
Staple the pages together.
Please remember to put the class ID, you student ID, and you name (in English) at the top of the frist page.
Do not wait until the night before to stat, ok? Thank! No binders, no fancy paper, only blank ink on white paper please. No pictures.