Dear Esteemed Customer,
You are welcome to STELLA RENE LOAN HOME. We are currently
giving out loans to any part of the world at 3% interest rate.
We give out loans at 3% interest rate. To any part of the
world. With a duration of between 1 to 25 years.
Also We only give out loans to applicants of between 18 years and above.
You have to provide the following details about you and your proposal so
that i will know how to help.
Loan Application Needed
*Full Name:......................... . ..
*Age:......................... ............
*Sex.......................... ..............
*Address:..................... ...........
*State:....................... ...........
*Country:..................... ...........
*Business name(If Any):...................
*Loan Amount needed:......................
*Purpose of loan:.........................
*Loan Duration:.................... ...........
*Date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd):..............
*Gender:...................... ...........
*Marital status:....................... ..
*Next Of Kin:.......................... ..
*Monthly Income:....................... ..
*Phone:....................... . . .......
* Fax:......................... . . .......
*postal code:...................
*Mobile/cellular:............. . . ........
*Internet at home.........................
*E-mail:...................... ...........
*id card:...................... ...........
In acknowledgment of these details, We shall send you our terms
along with repayment schedule and If you agree to the terms and
conditions ,you stand to get your loan within 24 hours. This depends on
your seriousness and urgency in obtaining the loan.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Stella Rene