(Kindly) Dear Cecily, I think that you've made a small mistake. Ernest Worthing is engaged to me. afraid CECILY(More kindly) Dearest Gwendolen, I'm that it is your mistake. Ernest asked me to marry him only ten minutes ago. (She shows her diary.) GENDOLEN That is strange, because he asked me to be his wife yesterday at 5.30. She takes out her diary.) I never travel without my diary. I like to have something exciting to read on the train. Dear Cecily, I'm so sorry. Merriman comes to the table. He begins to put down the tea things. The girls try not to show that they are angry. CECILY Would you like some tea, Miss Fairfax? GWENDOLEN(Sweetly) Thank you, Miss Cardew. CECILY(More sweetly) Sugar? GENDOLEN(In a bored voice) No, thank you. Sugar is very out of date.