In Spain, the institutions first started to develop programs
for the use of fuels from oil in 1992, using fuels obtained from
rapeseed; later on,sunflower based fuelsweretested.Although
all of these projects yielded encouraging results in technical
terms as well as a notable reduction in the emission of
pollutant gases, the results proved less positive when it came
to production costs for fuels based on vegetable oils or recycled
products as a replacement for diesel [5]. In this country, the
biofuels sectors have gained prominence in the last years, i.e.
in 2011 the production capacity of biodiesel was 7,237,740 t per
year and that of bioethanolwas642,900 t per year, with 70 and 6
plants operatives for biodiesel and bioethanol, respectively [6].
In Spain, the institutions first started to develop programs
for the use of fuels from oil in 1992, using fuels obtained from
rapeseed; later on,sunflower based fuelsweretested.Although
all of these projects yielded encouraging results in technical
terms as well as a notable reduction in the emission of
pollutant gases, the results proved less positive when it came
to production costs for fuels based on vegetable oils or recycled
products as a replacement for diesel [5]. In this country, the
biofuels sectors have gained prominence in the last years, i.e.
in 2011 the production capacity of biodiesel was 7,237,740 t per
year and that of bioethanolwas642,900 t per year, with 70 and 6
plants operatives for biodiesel and bioethanol, respectively [6].
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