When you ask yourself big questions about your life and don’t know where to go, what to do, or how to decide… think about this:
Love is flexible…fear is not. When we are in our fear we are not seeing things clearly. Everything is either black or white. There is no wiggle room for freedom, thus leaving us feeling trapped.
However, in love there is a middle ground where our authentic divine self resides. This is the grey area, where all the truth and shadows of our spirit can shine through. And it all comes down to giving ourselves permission to do that.
Fear doesn’t give us permission, it tells us we can’t; no; it’s impossible; not feasible. Which then leaves us feeling hopeless and disappointed.
So how do we become free?
We Love.
We allow ourselves to fold, bend, and be flexible. We listen to our heart with logic and find a happy medium. We try new things and explore different avenues, which then gets us in touch with who we really are. A child of God. Our faith is lifted and we now can see clearly. Love is the answer and it lives in every one of US.
May God bless you today and everyday no matter how big your questions are.