Critical Thinking Questions
1.Doyou think it is fair for Honda to offer the training with no guarantee of employment ? Why do you think so many people are willing to put in the time and effort needed to complete the preemployment training?
2.Honda focused on classroom and hands-on experiences for its preemployment training approaches at a time when electronic approaches, such as e-learning, were receiving a great deal of attention as the new, effective, and less costly approach to training. Why do you think Honda chose the training approaches it did ?
3.Give you had input over how preemployment training was to be delivered, what would you recommend ? Specifically, would you recommend an e-learning approach, a more traditional classroom and hands-on approach such as used by Honda, or an approach that blends the two ? Identify the characteristics that would drive your recommendation. For example, what characteristics of the work, of the training participants, and of the organization would be important in determining how preemployment training should be delivered ? List contingency factors and explain how each factor would suggest a particular approach to delivering preemployment training.