To begin with, teachers should take learners' affective factors into consideration. The results obtained from the study do provide convincing evidence that affective components have a considerable impact on the learners.The way in which learners interpret affective factor information is the key to develop positive and valuable concepts of about leaning, which in turns leads to further effective learning Appropriate teacher guidance and advice win encourage stronger willingness to participate and greater effort to learn on the part of leaners, and thereby greater success in language performance. Thus, it is advisable for teachers to adopt some practical and effective techniques to promote affective development and hence get them actively involved in Further research is suggested that more practical researches on affective factors be carried out in sLA. advised to investigate whether features of affective factors vary with individuals of the same proficiency level of students. The different features hide deserve further exploration. Moreover, personal differences of students should be special attention in the further study The differences in their choosing different teacher guidance would be an interesting research topic