Hello Raymond
i’m 30 year old,I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Communication Art and Design for Rungsit University in Bangkok .
Everyone likes Bangkok. But i don’t like. I don't like crowded I don’t like social disorder and deceive.My family live in Chiang Rai .
my mum and 2 children , Munin 4 year old and jasmine 5 year old. i’m broke up boyfriend
4 year ago ever since pregnant , I have to support my family,
My family have cultural diversity,My mum is a Christian my father is buddhist (he is monk, hi live in India now)
i’m a marketing manager at Isuzu Chiang Rai.U like Draw photography listen music
watch movies and read a book .
Every sunday,I have to go to book store , I like coffee and smell coffee ,Is here many coffee shop and slowly life. I don’t smoking i don’t drink but i like party i like attitude.