The colorimetric values of dyed white denim fabrics are listed in Table 2. Positive higher values of Lightness (L*) represents brightness of colours. With negative values of L*,colour gets darker. Higher L* value was observed at mini-mum concentration of extract and in the case sans mordant. Indeed it is an expected situation because of low concentration of extract. However when the effect of mordant type was examined, highestL* values were obtained mordanting with Al.L* values of Al mordanted fabrics gave similar re-sults with non-mordant dyeing. Thus brightest dyeing was obtained with Al mordant. Vividness (C*) of fabrics in-creased with mordant by Ni and Cu. Highest C* values were observed with Ni at low concentration of mordant and Cu at high concentration of mordant. Highest hue angle appeared in the case of Fe mordant fabrics with 5 g/l concentration of extract and 2 g/l of mordant. Of course yellowness (b*) and redness (a*), apart from dye molecule, strongly de-pend on mordant type. Mordant metals can affect colorimetric and spectral properties of colours changing the position or distribution of conjugate bonds as well as addition of their unique colours. Metal mordant can form new electro-static bonds with dye molecules. Thus conjugation of dye molecule can be changed by sharing electrons. Relatively less yellow and red colours were obtained mordant with Fe (Fig. 3). In spite of their natural colours, Ni and Cu gave relatively high red and yellow colour with M. tenuiflora extract. Highest b* and a* values were obtained in the case of Cu mordant with 5 g/l concentration of extract and 2 g/l of mordant.