After awhile, my Third Eye Center sprang to life as soon as I would
wake up in the morning, I was overjoyed and humbled at human
potential, and from that point on I knew I had to devote the rest of
my life to helping people see what we are capable of!
When I started doing guided
Meditations in groups on skype
with my friends from my website..
using the skype group voice
conference.. I noticed that some
people began feeling a tingling in
their Third Eye in the same spot
where mine was tingling. This to
me was such a beautiful affirmation
of my life’s goal and path. I was overjoyed and began to realize
that I could invoke the same experience to others which I had invoked
to myself whilest in the garden, to someone who was half-way
across the world! We are all One Point after all, and distance is nonexistent!
Shaktipat is the only way that I’ve seen anybody activate their
Kundalini Shakti, but you must be ready to receive her, this is why I
ask everyone who approaches me abou the Third Eye to read some of
the e-books listed in the chapter on Widom. You will have to be able
to sustain the Third Eye continually by vibrating on the Higher Planes
(as has been mentioned several times :) and you do that by perceiving
as much of the Logoic Reality as possible!
“the Absolute, hence the same as Paranirvana. Besides being the final state it is that
condition of subjectivity which has no relation to anything but the one absolute
truth (Para-marthasatya) on its plane. It is that state which leads one to
appreciate correctly the full meaning of Non-Being, which, as explained, is
absolute Being." - Madame Blavatskty in ‘The Secret Doctrine’
That means that you have to abandon, absolutely and utterly abandon,
the mass-herd reality in favor of Paranirvana.