This institutionalization of marriage exists because marriage is not merely a personal affair. Its primary is the continuation of the human race. By making people obey certain rules and regulations before they can marry ,the state of Church ensures that their intention to set up a new household is announced publicy. If either party was married before ,or if there are other reasons why the marriage should not take place ,it can then be prevented. It provides an organization for economic well-being and for the mutual development ,perfection ,and happiness of husband ,wife and children. Human beings need loving care and training for many years before they are fully developed and able to take their place in the world as adults. Adults ,too ,are usually happiest when they are part of a family ,helping it economically ,receiving economic help from it ,and enjoying the special friendship and love of their near relatives. Because members of a family usually see each other daily ,the family is called by sociologists a primary group ,meaning ,of cause ,a face-to-face group with which one has many contracts ,and which is of primary importance in satisfying human needs ,in molding character ,in furnishing skills ,and in giving other training necessary to live in society. Sociologists have found that if family life is happy and well organized ,the national social life is also good and stable. Good citizens are formed by good home training ,because home living involves discipline of the parents as well as of the children. Good parents are not selfish. They have to give up many of their wishes in order to live a life in common with one another and with their children. The care of children is very arduous task ,and involve much self-denial. If a family is well knit by ties of mutual affection ,intimate social help ,and happy memories of pleasant times spent together ,its members are well developed socially with a true social anchor in their home. They are stable members of thenation to which they belong.