Certainly education is the most important part of the human evolution and may be
crucial part of shaping the future of human beings. Within all those years of evolution
everything around the human nature has a rapid changing structure, form and
complexity. As a result of these education process also should have a self-adapting
structure in order to fit in the evolutions complexity and sustainability. There are
common stages in the education according to source and the media of the knowledge in
simple the evolution can be summarized as from weak signals to rich imaginaries of
educational futures.(Gidley, 2012) After the invention wide use of the printing press, the
education become more global and shared process. Use of digital media, all kind of
microprocessor handled electronic devices and the huge spanning of internet transforms
the source and the shape of knowledge in to a totally new form. Also the context and the
aim of the education is also shaping into new forms and having new boundaries. A
famous quote by Albert Einstein also remarked by once again by Gidley, explains the
situation in a different way “the significant problems we have cannot be solved at the
same level of thinking with which we created them.” so as the education needs a
continuous sustainable development with higher level of globalization.