Practice and Participant Characteristics
A total of 33 practices were enrolled, and 28 completed
the study (Figure 2). Demographics of the
physicians and residents are shown in Table 1. Overall,
2,343 postpartum women aged 18 years and older
were enrolled in 28 practices, with a mean number of
83 patients enrolled per site (range = 23-187). Of this
group, 1,897 adult women (80.1%) returned 1 or more
of the survey questionnaires and could be included
in the analysis. Questionnaire return rates decreased
from 77% at baseline and 68% at 6 months to 62%
at 12 months’ postpartum. The Spanish language
informed consent and questionnaires were used by
5.2% of the enrolled women.
Demographic and other important clinical characteristics
of the enrolled women are enumerated
in Table 2. The women in the usual-care and intervention
practices differed in 3 important ways: the
intervention women were poorer, less educated, and
less likely to be married. All of these variables have