It was only after she had vanished into the building, when the guards seemed to awaken.
“Can you guys guess her age?”
“No, I can’t. Upper level Zun Stage Heavenly Jewel Master! It’s been awhile since I’ve seen such a powerful Heavenly Jewel Master entering our Skill Storing Palace. I wonder why she didn’t go directly to the Wan Shou Empire to look for a suitable Heavenly Beast for Skill Storing?”
“Who knows? My guess is, this Upper level Zun Stage Heavenly Jewel Master should be the Light Attribute… It felt as if she was as bright as the sun itself.”
After entering the Skill Storing Palace, the white haired young lady did not stop at all, directly entering the path leading to the Spatial Attribute Skill Storing area. Every step she took seemed to bring her naturally almost a dozen metres to the front, floating along as if she had no real physical body. Before long she had reached the hall to choose the Heavenly Beast’s stage.
The two Skill Storing Palace Jewel Masters who were guarding the hall were just about to ask her what stage of Heavenly Beast she was looking for, when… the white haired lady waved her left hands, a dim white light flashed out and the two of them crumpled back down into their seats. In another flash of white light, her body stealthily entered the recently opened passage – leading to the one and only King Stage Heavenly Beast, Silver Emperor.
In the next instant, she appeared in front of the Silver Emperor.
As if sensing her presence, the Silver Emperor which had been confined to the ground by the powerful Darkness Seals suddenly raised its head. When it saw the white haired lady, it started chittering excitedly, the silver feathers on its body standing up and its eyes revealing its excitement.
Once again, the white haired lady raised her left hand, and a thick milky white light swirled out and enveloped the Silver Emperor quietly. As soon as the white light met with the Darkness seal on its forehead and wings, the Silver Emperor’s body started quivering involuntarily.
All of a sudden, the milky white brilliant light turned gold. The three black Darkness Seals suddenly started melting away like snow in the summer’s sun.
The Silver Emperor shuddered, its wings spreading wide violently, and a terrifying aura exploded outwards. In a ear piercing shattering sound, the chains on its body split apart, and a long suppressed cry shrieked out from its mouth.
The white haired lady looked on impassively as that all happened, with nary a change in expression. With another flick of her right hand, a brilliant gold light fell upon the Silver Emperor’s forehead. Instantly, its entire body was enveloped by a dim gold light, and the terrifying aura of surrounding it seemed to strengthen several fold. Its rather weak eyes turned strong and powerful, and a golden symbol appeared on its forehead.
The white haired lady finally opened her mouth… Her voice was soft and pleasing to the ear… extremely enchanting, yet seemingly without any emotions.
“Saving you now from your torture… In future, you belong to the Snow God. Come with me…”
The Silver Emperor nodded repeatedly, its cries slowly stopping, and its terrifying and violent aura that showed its powerful rank of a King Stage Heavenly Beast settled down and vanished as it calmed down. Spreading its wings, the Silver Emperor landed on her shoulders. A dim white light enveloped the two of them, and they levitated up, warping into a ball of thick white light and shooting forth out of the Skill Storing Palace like a bolt of lightning.
Earlier when the Silver Emperor had cried shrilly, the entire Skill Storing Palace shook in the massive reverberation. Instantly, ten powerful auras erupted from the distance, all speeding towards the Skill Storing Palace.
Alas, when they reached, all they saw was a mass of white life flying out of the Skill Storing Palace. Instantly, the ten terrifying auras surrounded it in anger.
A loud angry howl filled with rage sounded forth as a silver bolt of lightning seemed to tear through and swallow the entire Skill Storing Palace. Despite them being in midst of the bright light, it seems the outside was all surrounded by a pitch black darkness. In the next instance, the silver light and the white light seemed to both burst forth at the same time. The darkness surrounding them and blocking them dissolved and the two disappeared into the distance.
When the ten powerful members of the Skill Storing Palace’s settled down in anger and went to investigate the Silver Emperor’s stone chamber, they saw a line of gold words left there.