This project began as a solid waste improvement program following the recommendations of the Jabotabek
Environmental Management Strategy, carried out under the Third Jabotabek Urban Development Project
(Ln. 3246-IND; closed FY00). The study was expanded to include other key urban areas of West Java
(Bandung, Serang and Cirebon). All government parties were adamant that the project should include the
more difficult provision of "environmental management". Community consultation during Phase 1 of
project preparation reinforced the desire for a comprehensive response to urban environmental issues. The
task team agreed to this broader scope, provided that the majority of implementation would be by local
governments, that the DPRD, Mayor/District Chief(Walikota/Bupati), his/her staff, and the local
community, would be both more empowered to respond to environmental issues, fairly monitored and held
accountable for implementation results. It was agreed not to finance the number one environmental
priority, i.e., removal of lead from fuel, as this cannot be done at the local level. (Legislative controls are
being pursued to remove lead from fuel.)