Good day my dear, how are you doing today? hope everything is moving well with you over there in your country, last night i slept very fine and how about you? hope you had a good sleep last night.. My dear i would suggest that we choose a nice pet names such as my darling, honey, sweetheart and sweetie, etc.. which will you like me to be calling to you, and also which of these pet names will you prefer to call me too, for i want to get more intimate with you and these are the spices of every relationship that started small and then germinated to full grown tree that will last forever, you can also drop me your number my dear, for i will like to heat the sound of your voice, and do not worry about English, for i know soon you will get to know how to speak, okay? for i can not wait to meet you and hug you some day in the nearest future, take care and do have a beautiful weekend, hope to hear from you soon..