Multiresolution analysis has been useful in so many applications from image compression to image de-noising and classification. Several methods using wavelet have been proposed for feature extraction in mammograms. Liu et al. proved that multiresolution analysis of mammograms improve the effectiveness of the diagnosis system based on wavelets coefficients. In their mammogram analysis study, they use a set of statistical features with binary tree classifier in their diagnosis system to detect the spiculated mass. The achieved successful rate was 84.2%. Mousa et al. proposed system based on wavelet analysis and used the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for building the classifier to distinguish between mass and microcalcification, the maximum classification rate obtained was 85.4%. Rashed et al. studied the multiresolution analysis
of digital mammogram using wavelet transform. They used
Euclidean distance to classify between micro-calcification
clusters, spiculated mass, circumscribed mass, ill-defined
mass and normal mammogram. The maximum classification
rate achieved was 87.06%. Ferreira and Borges [9] proposed
system to classify the mammogram images by transforming
the images into wavelet bases and then using a sets of
coefficients from first level of decomposition as the feature
vector toward separating micro-calcification clusters,
spiculated mass, circumscribed mass, and normal classes of
image. The maximum classification rate achieved was