Shave kit construction part 2
Installing a lining.
Start by applying your glue to both pieces in an even coat ( glue spatula !!!) lay your lining down to make contact in the center of the bottom , work this out from each end .
***** trick *****
The reason for the long skive to the inside of our gouge is to assist in holding the lining at the bend .Make sure to really slick the lining into that gouge .
When the side makes a 90* bend that slight channel gives the lining a place to gather keeping the bottom smooth . At the same time the side will create a small "pinch" to hold it down .
Continue to slick the entire piece . this increases the tacking of the glue by compressing the two layers together and working out any air bubbles and wrinkles .
Make sure ALL edges are well secured or they will shrink when you fold .
**** this lining is 1-2 oz and pockets should be sewn in place prior to installation ****