I never dreamed that If I could rule the world The Three Wishes is available. What I will do is as follows.
The first thing I will do. The world is cool. Not too hot Because I do not like hot weather Can avoid the country where I live now. I live in a hot climate and high rainfall, which usually I was sweating a lot easier. I do not like so much hot air.
Secondly, I think it will do. For every child gets a good education from teacher quality. Because in today's world Many poor children do not care about education, making children grow up unable to work due to lack of care about education. I want this to be the second thing I would do.
The third thing I intend to do. Everyone in society with equal rights and status. Because at present there are many poor people from rich bully like disdain, which I can see that these actions are not warranted. I would like to change it to disappear from society.
The three things that I think of them. It would be possible if I can occupy this planet. And if I have occupied this world, really. I will do three things immediately.