The parameter " air detector temperature " is to ensure the first pulse pressure, if the temperature is above the set value the cycle runs normally, if not, an alarm is triggered. If this the parameter is 0 means they will never have any alarm there, as the temperature remains above. So, the air detector minimum temperature alarm are:
This alarm appears when after pressure pulses phase, the air detector temperature is lower than selected value on recipe.
This alarm can be promoted by the following reasons:
Parameter selected incorrect.
Tri-Clamps weak.
Leak in any valve.
The way how to solve every one of these problems are:
Select correct parameter.
Tighten all Tri-Clamps.
Check and repair valves that are in contact with chamber.
This alarm ends the current cycle.
To test this alarm is necessary to start a cycle with pressure pulses phase, and select the minimum available value for air detector temperature’s parameter.