You can't
You're not allowed to
You're not permitted to
You have to every member should help maintain cleanliness in gym
You need to
You must
Conduct prejudicial to the proper use of the library is forbidden.
Smoking, food and drinks are not allowed in the library. At Central Library, food and drinks purchased at PerkPoint are to be consumed within the area.
Silence shall be observed in the public areas of the library. All mobile devices and watch alarms should be switched to the silent mode before entering the library.
Misuse/meddling of equipment(IT, multimedia players, etc.) and infrastructure provided by NUS (i.e. wi-fi and LAN) is not allowed.
Users of the library should be appropriately attired.
Seats in the library may not be reserved.
Library materials may not be removed from the library unless they have been properly issued by a library staff or through a self-service checkout terminal.
Mutilation and theft of Library materials are offences punishable by law, and in the case of NUS students and staff, are also disciplinary offences. Appropriate action will be taken by NUS against offenders. A student found guilty may be expelled at the University’s discretion.
The Library reserves the right to cancel reservations, loans, requests and to limit or withdraw a Member’s privileges without prior notice for any reason deemed appropriate by the Library.
All books and personal belongings must be shown to the staff whenever required to do so.
Library membership cards are not transferable. You must present your card at the access control gate to enter the library. Your card must be produced whenever requested by the Library staff. Members are to keep their Library membership card safely and ensure that their card is not used by anyone else. A card holder is not permitted to use his/her card to authorize the entry of another person into the library.
Members are required to notify Loans & Membership Services in Central Library immediately of any change of postal address or email address or if their card has been replaced with a new or another card.
Loss of Library membership cards must be reported immediately in person or by telephone to the loans desk in the relevant Library. Members shall be liable for any transactions resulting from the unauthorised use of their Library membership cards occurring before the loss or theft is reported to the Library.
External Members may replace their lost cards for a non-refundable fee of $25.00 for the first replacement, $50.00 for the second replacement and $100.00 for the third replacement. If a lost or stolen Library membership card is found or recovered after a replacement card has been made, the Member must not subsequently use the recovered card. Instead, the recovered card must be returned to the Library immediately.
The Library reserves the right to reject new applications and/or the renewal of Library memberships, including access to all electronic resources.
16. NUS will not be held responsible for the loss of any personal belongings of users in the Library.
17. The Library staff have the right to:
ask Members to leave the Library if they are inappropriately dressed or are causing a disturbance.
remove any book, file, bag, food or any other personal belongings of Library users, which are left unattended.
ask a non-Member to leave the Library.
18. No animals, except guide dogs, are allowed on the Library premises.