Based on re-examination of the holotype (AMS I. 24275-001, 220 mm SL), here we describe several characters not
mentioned in the original description of P. rosenblatti. Palatine teeth forming a rod-shaped patch with irregular
margin lacking the hook its anterior end that forms a J-shaped patch in P. mccoskeri. Two to three rows of
irregularly shaped plate-like cycloid scales along outer margin of gill chamber (Fig, 6F) vs. one row of relatively
large similar scales in P. mccoskeri (Fig. 6C). Ninety-seven (52 on right + 45 at left) enlarged scales along dorsalfin base and 22 (11 at each side) along anal-fin base. A third row of flat, tooth-plate type gill rakers between the
other two rows on each lower limb of second and third arches. The original description reported the number of
abdominal scutes as nine, whereas we count 13 (with the 7th not clearly defined).