Driving axles torque and fuel consumption: Fig. 3 shows
representative results of four driving axles (front right, front
left, rear right, rear left) torque and fuel consumption of the
tractor during plow tillage at L3 gear. The measured torque on
driving axles showed steep increasing at the preparation period
and decreasing at the completion period. The torque on these
axles showed irregular fluctuation patterns during operations.
Torque at rear driving axles was three times higher than one at
front driving axles, implying that traction force during plow tillage
was taken at the rear driving axles mostly. Both (right and left)
sides torque were similar at the front driving axle; however, at
the rear driving axle the right-side pulling torque was larger than
the left-side one. It may be caused by uneven soil-metal friction
on the field. Fuel consumption showed the range 0.0009 - 0.0012
litre. Fuel consumption increased significantly as plowing
operation started, and subsequently it followed the pattern of
driving axles load. In the completion period, however, fuel
consumption dropped down slowly.