The collection held at Churchill Archives Centre provides a good picture of Wilfred Brown's varied career. It includes material on his work at the Glacier Metal Company and in the field of management, his career as a politician and his involvement with Brunel University (BRWN 3). There is a substantial series of correspondence, both personal and on political subjects (BRWN 2), and a series of drafts and typescripts of some of his many books, articles and lectures on management techniques (BRWN 4). There are also two scrapbooks kept by Brown, which contain material relating to his career, some photographs, mostly of him in an official role, and a small quantity of more personal and ephemeral material (BRWN 1). Most of the papers date from the 1960s and 1970s, but there is also some earlier material, most notably in the first of his two scrapbooks (BRWN 1/6).