(1) scientific investigations all begin with a question and do not necessarily test a hypothesis; (2)
there is no single set of steps followed in all investigations (i.e. there is no single scientific method);
(3) inquiry procedures are guided by the question asked; (4) all scientists performing the same
procedures may not get the same results; (5) inquiry procedures can influence results; (6) research
conclusions must be consistent with the data collected; (7) scientific data are not the same as
scientific evidence; and that (8) explanations are developed from a combination of collected data
and what is already known. It should not be presumed that the specific conceptualization of the
construct represented by the eight aspects of SI is intended to be forwarded as the only one. These
eight aspects are the ones that guided the development of the VASI instrument. Furthermore, it is
argued, that these understandings are important for students to know and are developmentally
appropriate for K-16 students.