a pregnancy at some time in the future and were therefore
particularly in need of MFM consultation services. Of
women without permanent contraception, only 24.3 %
(n = 19/78) had at least a general concept of their individual
PTB recurrence risk (i.e. low, medium or high). Of
women eligible for 17P for a history of spontaneous PTB
(singleton or multiple gestation), only 4 % (2/50) were
aware that a medication was available that, if given during
the next pregnancy, may reduce the risk of recurrent PTB.
After obstetrical consultation, 50 % of women (n = 48)
were referred for additional MFM or family planning services
(i.e. contraception). Decision for referral was
prompted by (1) need for further medical evaluation prior
to another pregnancy (e.g. uterine imaging to rule out
uterine malformation as a contributing factor to PTB), (2)
full MFM consultation (if the initial visit was with a midlevel
provider and future pregnancy was desired), (3) a
woman’s desire for initiation of contraception or change to
a more effective contraceptive, or